
Five Tips to Prepare for Remote Therapy

10 November 2022

Remote therapy allows you to talk to a therapist via your mobile, laptop or tablet. But how do you make the most of your sessions? In this guide, we’ll discuss some tips to help maximize your remote therapy sessions.

1 – Get Your Tech Ready!

It is essential to have a reliable and stable internet connection or telephone signal. When it comes to devices, choose the option that feels right for you. Before the session, test the device, especially the video and microphone functions. It is advised to close other programmes and apps to prevent lags and distractions.

If you’re using a portable device, such as a laptop or tablet, find a firm surface where the device can be placed. It will help the camera to be stable and help you focus during the session.

2 – Prepare Your Environment

Therapists have an ethical duty to conduct their sessions in a private space where confidentiality is protected. You might consider doing the same to get the most out of your sessions. Find a private space, that is quiet and gives you full privacy. Your therapist will not be able to offer you a session in the presence of others. This includes any other adults or children.

Sessions run for 50 minutes; it might be helpful to have things that you might need within reach. For example, a box of tissues, and some water.

3 – Prepare Yourself

Find a comfortable space where you feel safe and relaxed. You might want to set aside 5 minutes to prepare for your session. You may find it helpful to write down some key discussion points for the session. Alternatively, you may wish to meditate or follow some simple breathing exercises to help you get ready.

4 – Prepare for Potential Technical Issues

Tech is not always reliable so prepare for possible glitches along the way. Talk to your therapist about a backup plan or alternative means if technology fails. For example, if there is a power cut or your internet/telephone signal fails. You may find it comforting to have a plan in place and it may help to ease anxiety in case anything happens.

5 – Don’t Forget Aftercare!

Therapy sessions often involve talking about deeply personal and upsetting issues, traumatic events, or difficulties. As such, it is common to feel tired, emotionally depleted, and heavy afterwards. It is crucial to note that you will not always feel like this after a session. These feelings are more common following emotionally challenging and intense sessions. Your therapist may suggest that you have a ‘cool-down’ period during the session. This is where you spend the last 10 minutes of your session coming back to the present, before going about your day.

You might find it helpful to have a post-therapy routine in place. For some people, this may involve journaling to help them process the sessions. For others, it could be listening to music, a walk in nature or a cup of tea and a book. Find what works for you and set time aside to do it.

by Esthefanea Santos

I am the principal therapist and ES Therapy Centre. We offer a genuine, compassionate, and empathetic environment for us both to safely explore any difficulties you are experiencing.